My name is Sophie Gouldson.
I’m an authorised Civil Celebrant. Originally, I hail from a little village called Brayton, just outside of York, North Yorkshire, England.
I arrived in Melbourne eleven years ago and quickly fell in love with everything about Australia - the people (who are so laid back and friendly) and especially the weather, which, although unpredictable at times, believe me, is far better than what I experience in England!
I’m an easy-going person, I like to make people feel relaxed by telling a joke or two or finding something in common to make a connection. I enjoy a good catch up with friends and you can often find me talking to loved ones overseas via FaceTime. I feel it’s important to keep the connections with loved ones, no matter how far away they are.
I’m a mother to my beautiful, funny, energetic toddler, who keeps me on my toes and whom I dote upon. I’m also a devoted wife to my caring, kind, and loving husband.
We live with my ninety-year-old father-in-law, who you mostly find pottering away in the garden, or making repairs on an item in the house, the man never stops!

My main interests are, my son, my husband, my family, weddings, eating cakes (in moderation!), cooking and friends!
I became a celebrant, because I love people, a good love story and the whole process involved with ‘getting married’.
Whilst I was pregnant with my son, I thought what better time to go and study? Once my son was born, I used any free time I had, usually during his nap time, to really put my efforts into building a new career and business.
I wanted to work from home, so I could be with him. After working in event and hospitality management for twenty years, I knew continuing down that path, working long hours, most likely I would not see much of him, partnered with always having to be available on most public holidays, I decided this wasn’t going to be right career for me any longer
I LOVE what I do and don’t think of it as a job. I love every moment, from first getting to know a couple, their love story and how they met, to meeting a family and discovering a life story of a loved one who has passed.
I’m an empathetic, caring person, who often becomes emotional when I pronounce a couple married. I do compose myself, however, and keep my emotions checked at a professional level. You wouldn’t want me ugly crying at your wedding!
I’ll always ensure your ceremony runs as smoothly as possible and will ensure you are looking your best and perfect for your photos.
I’m here for all my clients from the word go! You can contact me anytime and I will be more than happy to help with any question, query, or quandary you have!
To inquire, or to book your ceremony with Sophisticated Ceremonies by Sophie, visit www.sophisiticated-ceremonies.com
